A private channel in Odisha has introduced artificial intelligence anchors. Her name is Liza. He read the newspaper in English neatly dressed in a traditional Odisha hand-woven saree. This AI-powered non-human editor also delivers news in Oriya language. According to ‘OTV Network’, Liza will be seen on television and digital platforms of the organization from now on.
Currently speaking only in Hindi and English, Liza is fluent in multiple languages. With his arrival, it is believed that a new milestone has been established in Odisha media and media. Efforts are underway to make Liza more fluent in Oriya. Pages have been created in his name on all platforms of social media.
Experts believe that in the near future new horizons will open in journalism due to artificial growth. Artificial is not a mechanical voice. A touch of emotion is also evident in Liza’s voice. However, it is feared that using AI or artificial intelligence, fake news may be created by creating newspapers or magazines.
Meet Lisa, OTV and Odisha’s first AI news anchor set to revolutionize TV Broadcasting & Journalism #AIAnchorLisa #Lisa #Odisha #OTVNews #OTVAnchorLisa pic.twitter.com/NDm9ZAz8YW
— OTV (@otvnews) July 9, 2023
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